Dear Parents,


How does one measure the value of a HTHS education?


Naturally, each parent will answer this question differently, but we can all agree that our children are part of something special. By virtue of their admission to HTHS, they have been given a unique chance to excel and receive a head start in life that is rare, indeed.


The HTHS PFA (Parent Faculty Association) is genuinely grateful for the outstanding education that our children are receiving. Our mission in the PFA is to enrich the HTHS experience for all students, faculty, and parents. We are responsible for providing· the 'additional' experiences for all students and assisting families as they navigate their success here.


Each fall, the PFA looks to all parents to financially support these programs. Our primary source off funding is the Annual Donation Drive.


We understand that each family has their own financial commitments and particularly during these challenging times, we understand the importance of prioritizing your spending, but we also know that the value of an HTHS education is a sound investment that pays dividends over a lifetime.

Your contribution allows us to further that educational experience by offering a deeper and richer high school experience to your child. Your donations enable activities that impact the entire student body.


With our sincere gratitude,
The HTHS Parent Faculty Association



The following donation options are available:


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        PERSONAL DONATION WITH                                            COMPANY MATCH

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