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PFA Annual Fund Drive


Online Payment Options:

  1. Credit Card via this website.

Offline Payment Options:

  1. Check - If paying by check, please remember to include your check number in the specified text box. Directions for submitting your payment are provided on the payment confirmation page as well.  Please mail check to the following address. Please include the donation purpose in the memo field (e.g. PFA Annual Drive, Membership, etc.)
    c/o PFA Treasurer
    765 Newman Springs Rd.
    PO Box 119
    Lincroft, NJ 07738
  2. Zelle - If paying by Zelle, please continue the checkout, submit the order and direct offline payment to: Please include the donation purpose in the memo field (e.g. PFA Annual Drive, Membership, etc.) Directions for submitting your payment are also provided on the payment confirmation page. 
  3.  PayPal - f paying by PayPal, please make a payment to @HTHSPFA and send PayPal receipt  to Please include the donation purpose in the memo field (e.g. PFA Annual Drive, Membership, etc.)

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 PFA Annual Fund Drive

If paying by PayPal, please make a payment to @HTHSPFA and send PayPal receipt to
QR code

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